We’re all in this life together and I think that we can all agree that we feel more contented when we feel supported. It feels better for everyone when we’re helping each other get through it. Everyone is undergoing their own personal struggles, so when we feel heard and understood, we feel less alone.

It’s undeniable–the happiest people are the kindest people. Regardless of race, gender, religion, class, or amount of available free time, we can all incorporate kindness into our everyday lives. When we do good for others, we feel better, ourselves. Begin improving your quality of life today by demonstrating kindness and compassion. When you set an example by doing good, you inspire other to do the same.

Good deeds come in an endless variety of possibilities. Doing good can be volunteering, being more inclusive, smiling at strangers, or complimenting people. It can also be calling a friend to ask how they’re doing, being available as a listener, offering to babysit for free, paying for the person’s coffee or food who is behind you in line, or opening the door for others. Other ideas include baking cookies for a person or organization in your community, sending thank you cards, taking an acquaintance or new community member to lunch, shoveling a neighbor’s driveway, and sending letters to soldiers and/or people in the hospital.

An example of one of my go-to acts of kindness is leaving notes of encouragement in random places. I begin by cutting and decorating scrapbook paper and adding quotations or simple affirmations. Among these quotes of encouragement have been, “You are enough”, “You are worth it”, “Love yourself”, “You are beautiful”, “Good things are coming”, and others of similar nature. When I have my inspirational notes prepared, I put them on top of neighbors’ mailboxes, on community bulletin boards, under car windshield wipers, inside of travel guide brochures, and any other places that I see fit, depending on where I am. For example, I found a lot more spaces for these notes while in Seattle, in comparison to the small town I live in. Make your own notes of encouragement and get to spreading unexpected bits of happiness. I first began doing this after I came across one of these notes and it made my day. I wanted to brighten the days of others, as well.

Another great way to make a habit of practicing kindness is through Get it Going Now’s monthly kindness box. Each month, Get it Going Now subscribers receive a box which contains instructions, materials and cool souvenirs that result in a project to perform a good deed. By subscribing to Get it Going Now, you will feel inspired by your monthly opportunity to practice kindness.

Learn more about Get it Going Now here:

What acts of kindness have you recently practiced? Let us know in the comments section below.

15 Ways to Show Love

Love is one of those words that most people don’t understand. Maybe it isn’t meant to be understood but just to be felt. Nonetheless, Plato, in his Symposism, described love as superseding lust, or animalistic desire, and entering into a more intellectual concept of something or someone. Parents everywhere describe having their first child as finally understanding what love means. Some still have a hard time looking at their partner and knowing “for sure” if it’s love that they feel for them.


I don’t believe that I can tell you how to find love. The only thing I can really tell you is how to show love. Showing love can be as easy as reminding your friend to “drive safe” when they leave your house. Get it Going helps its readers take action in their own lives to Get it Going. To us, what you give is what you get back. Follow what your heart says and do what you can to let people know that you care.

Sometimes it is hard to know how to express love to others on an everyday basis. Here is a list of things you can do to show love and Get it Going in your own communities:

  1. Give time to someone you haven’t seen in awhile
  2. Buy the person behind you in line a coffee
  3. Say “thank you” to your loved ones
  4. Do things without expecting a “thank you” in return
  5. Offer to volunteer at your local hospital, animal shelter, etc.
  6. Get to know your neighbors and ask if they need anything
  7. Smile at whoever catches your eye on the street
  8. Donate the things you don’t use/wear anymore
  9. Be thoughtlessly generous with gifts
  10. Create a surprise for your loved one, significant other, best friend, anyone
  11. Listen to someone you know is having a difficult time
  12. Encourage others to be their best selves
  13. Write a letter to someone you miss
  14. Refrain from giving harsh criticism for a full week
  15. Forgive